Katie was the lucky winner of our e-bike quiz, claiming a Batribike Gamma e-bike courtesy of Bike Bros. Here she tells us about the influence the Surrey’s Greener Future challenge has had on her travel choices, and how her new set of wheels will have her cycling to work even more.
Before joining Surrey’s Greener Future, what were your travel habits like?
“I would commute to work either by car or bike. I would tend to cycle in the summer when the days are longer and the conditions generally better but take the car in winter.
Why do you choose to travel by bike?
“For three reasons really: it’s better for the environment, my health and my wallet.
I have used a regular bike to get to work for about 12 years now. My bike commute is a pretty nice route along roads and cycle paths. It’s a few miles but it saves me a good amount of time compared to driving.
When commuting by car I just don’t know if I’ll arrive on time, which is stressful. I have no such issues when cycling. It provides that peace of mind and allows me to escape the busyness of home and work life.
Why did you choose to get involved in the challenge? What do you enjoy about using the app?
“I saw it advertised on a local Instagram account and really liked the look and simplicity of it. The fact that it logs journeys automatically is handy.
I enjoy seeing the CO2 savings statistics, it shows that I’m lessening my environmental impact. Being able to earn points provides an extra little bit of motivation too.
I did have a different app for running but seeing that I could track all my exercise and travel activities in one place, I now just use the BetterPoints app.
Has it motivated you to change your activity levels and travel habits?
“It definitely has. With anything exercise-related, having a goal is really important to me. My personality needs something to build towards and the app offers that.
The desire to earn a few more points to get closer to redeeming a voucher, or achieve the weekly CO2 saved target, has got me cycling or walking more often.
What did you think when you were awarded the prize?
“I was obviously delighted! I couldn’t believe I had won. My dad has an e-bike, as does my close colleague. She has mentioned a number of times how she benefits from having one, so I’ve been tempted.
I am increasing the number of days I do at work, so it is the perfect time to receive the e-bike as I will be commuting in more than ever. It’s great knowing that with the extra power boost I will be able to cycle to work with relative ease when I don’t feel motivated.
Even with the extra work days, I’m aiming to increase my cycle journeys even more by travelling in on days when the weather is particularly challenging.”
Not yet earning rewards for walking, wheeling, cycling and taking public transport? To join Surrey's Greener Future simply download the free BetterPoints app via the buttons or QR below and tap Challenges to get started.